Every summer there are a few locations around the world where you can find the best and youngest skiers launching themselves off big air jumps, perfecting tricks they learned a week ago and testing the laws of physics with several new corks.
Over the years Bobby Brown has spent his fair share of time at all of these locations. It was even at one of these training sessions not too long ago that caused Bobby to have to step away from skiing while he rehabbed from a back surgery. Now officially cleared to be back on snow, Bobby and perpetual sidekick Pete Brown(brother) headed to New Zealand to check in on the next generation of ski big air elites.

I just got back home to Telluride after an amazing trip to New Zealand. It was my 14th opportunity to travel down to the Southern Hemi. This year was a bit different. It's been a year off after rehabbing a back injury. It felt weird, but good to be down there for a different purpose. First was the feeling of excitement, just happy being back on skis and able to travel again. Second were the nerves. I wasn't quite sure how everything was going to feel.

I left New Zealand with a lot of confidence and drive for the upcoming season. Finally back feeling close to myself. It’s been a tough couple years grinding to get back on my skis but I'm now time to just ski and let things flow.

While I was out there I was able to witness some mind melting sessions on the big air jump. While Peter was shooting follows, I set up the long lens and shot A Hall and Mac(fellow Spyder riders). The ease Mac is doing 14’s, 16’s, 18’s is hard to wrap my head around. He's not just spinning, grabbing and flipping , but he's able to have control over everything. It's like each movement he's able to segment and execute to perfection before moving onto the next. It's incredible, I’ve never seen anyone able to do that.
Every kid sessioning the jump was either doing a 16, triple or some other variation. It's all crazy but I think it's special when you can stand out amongst all of that. It’s refreshing to see people take a different route to progressing technicality. I think Alex is the highest example of that. Figuring ways to contort his body to change directions in his tricks, different grabs and just an overall different feeling to his skiing. It’s actually hard to understand how those physics even make sense. I respect AHall for always sticking to what he wants to do and not forcing things. When I was watching him ride in Winter Park at Flow Air I was so impressed the way everything just flows in the moment. It seems like nothing he does is premeditated, it's spontaneous and just happening in the moment. He's definitely one of my favorite riders to watch.

As I said, I just got back home. Seasons are changing and there's been some dusting of snow in the high alpine. I can’t wait to get things fired up this season. Peter and I are cooking up some projects to work on while we patiently wait for snow.
Check back in for more updates like this along the way.
- Bobby B
Keep up with Bobby all season long @bobbybrown